Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Reflect on class

The class of media 150 is a basic production class for me! It help me to maintain the basic function of softwares. Photoshop assignment helps remining me about the layer function and the important concept of color! Additionally, the shooting assignment brings up the real execises to use the carmera! The discussion part is quite influenced to me because I can receive the feed back from other students that makes me to know my shortcoming. Honestly, I am not satified for the HTML teaching part! I believe that we can learn more about the web production. The link part of HTML only can teach us the basic function of linking two different pages! However, I still learn a lots of web production that can lead me to get more basic for the other web production class! To sum up, this class helps us to use the thing that we learn from the text to make it real! The shooting assignment is the most useful and interesting part for me! I am looking forward the media 160 to learn more concept and I hope I can get more in class assignments to improve my knowledge!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Blog #3 "Design I Like"

Koleston Naturals is a colorant from natural ingredients for woman age d 20 to 40. This outdoor execution was strategically positioned on a promenade. It had an unspoiled view of the sea and skyline behind it. The woman's hair is die-cut in the billboard to capture the variations of Koleston Natural's colors through the different phases of the day and night. This design is different than other billboards that mostly use the graphics and texts to send out the message to readers. First of all, the most amazing part of this design is the image of the woman and her hair is actually a hole. Additionally, the designer uses the white color background to make a great balance of color on the billboard. The color and style of the woman and her hair trend the update of the climate and the change of the sky to come up the different hair style and hair color. Second, this concept also brings up the ideal of Koleston Naturals' products - the natural beauty. The designer uses the natural light and view to come up the idea as the idea of products as. However, the location of the billboard is not as great as the billboard locates in the city, because it has to locate the place that it can reflect to the sunset or the natural view and the change of the color actually is limited. It might be a brilliant idea, but the attractive can’t be lasted as the others. Also, people wouldn’t see it as well against the bright sunlight in the morning. Although this is a great design, it also involves some lighting problem and the location problem.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What I See

“Baptism Scene” from “The Godfather”

     At beginning of this scene, director only uses the church lighting to be a source of the background light, and he places the high key light on Michael and the priest. The dim environment and the Bright area of the baptism make a great contrast that audiences know what the film focus on. Additionally,  the director used montage editing which is a rapid succession of images that links different scenes, is the most dramatic form of parallel editing. This scene uses montage editing which inter-cut between Michael at his nephew’s baptism and his murders were murdering his enemies. Director used that kind of editing to show between the religion and non-religion that relates to the complicated of Michael’s character; which he is both evil and good. Also, the director uses the fixing camera to film this scene. Mostly, the camera just uses the close-ups for Michael. Every time the shots cut back from the murdering, the camera uses the close-ups to Michael for showing the facial expression of him. At the end of this scene, the priest passes the candle light in front of Michael's face. The candle light is the high key light for Michael. That candle light effect makes audiences to clearly see the cold expression of Michael. It is a powerful use of music, language, visuals, and editing that Michael emerges as a Godfather of an entirely different sort.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Where is media going / Where is it coming from

Media becomes more advantage in nowadays. From the individual platform to combination of different media forms, the convergence of media makes artists and consumers to be excited about the new-coming produces. According to the increasing of demands of the consumers, the artists are working so hard to create or combine a new media form to satisfy the demand. On the other hand, the consumers are chasing the new produces so bad. They try to look for the interesting and convenient media produces or forms. The notion of convergence is good to build up the creative and convenient. For example, watching TV shows and movie on the Internet solves the problem of the limited schedule. It brings up the flexible schedule to convenient the audiences. Additionally, the artists and the film producers could review the movie anytime for reference. However, the convergence also comes up the negative reflection. The movie downloading illegally violates the copyright and it also affects the artists because the artists can’t make money from their produces. Beside the artists, the consumers also gain the bad behavior. They become to watch movie in front of the computer rather than go to movie. In my life, I am also influenced by some new media forms. The most effective one is I-phone. It brings up the interesting of hi-tech with music, movie, camera, Internet, and game to me. It is an amazing produces with the notion of convergence. It combines serveral media forms into a small box. It convenient us that we could listen music or watch movie or take picture and even play games in everywhere. It can reflect the development of the media from the old-fashion cell phone which we can use the phone everywhere to the smart phone which we can do anything on the phone. Beside the benefits of the consumers, the trend of I-phone application also leads the artists that have a chance to release their idea and produces.