Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blog Assignment #2 Editing Analysis

In this scene, the director uses montage editing which is a rapid succession of images that links different scenes, is the most dramatic form of parallel editing. This scene uses montage editing which inter-cut between Michael at his nephew’s baptism and his murders were murdering his enemies. Director used that kind of editing to show between the religion and non-religion that relates to the complicated of Michael’s character; which he is both evil and good. Also, the director uses the fixing camera to film this scene. Mostly, the camera just uses the close-ups for Michael. Every time the shots cut back from the murdering, the camera uses the close-ups to Michael for showing the facial expression of him. At the end of this scene, the priest passes the candle light in front of Michael's face. The candle light is the high key light for Michael. That candle light effect makes audiences to clearly see the cold expression of Michael. It is a powerful use of music, language, visuals, and editing that Michael emerges as a Godfather of an entirely different sort.

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