Sunday, May 22, 2011

Blog #4

This class gives me a lot of opportunity to do the shooting and editing, it makes me to understand more about the function of software and the technique. These experiences are really helpful for me when I go to the other level classes. Also it gives me the great concept to understand the important of term working. The assignments gives me the chance to try different types of software, and this class gives a great space to me to create. However, the assignments are a little bit rush for me. I always can't totally understand and be familiar with the software. It makes me feel confused sometime, but the professor spends a lot of time to explain and teach me personally. I believe that if it can, the class can be focus more about the technology teaching and give more time to do the assignment.  

Monday, May 16, 2011

Blog #3 Producing Video

     This video project gives us the real experience to understand what the shooting is. It leads us to understand the important of the storyboard. This is very important before you do the shooting because it gives us the concept and the image that we are going to shoot. Additionally, it actually helps us the editing. Because we are the beginner of the shooting and we also do the documentary, therefore we did not have the equipments but the DV. I believe that the quality is not that great, therefore I focus on the editing, trying to use the editing to make up the shortcoming of the shooting. Additionally, the concept of this video is about the smoking free. Thus, we just shot the smokers around the campus, but we shot  the people without the permit because we try to take the natural feeling from the smokers. Also, the background sound is the problem for the video because we are not the English speaker, so we do not record our conversation into the video. Therefore, we just cut the volume and add some pictures to classify the meaning of the scene. I draws upon the function of Photoshop to export a video format and cut into the video. In the editing part, we used a lot of effects such as fade and dissolve to make the video more interesting. To sum up, this is a great experience that understand the concept of shooting and editing. Also, this is helping us to understand the sound is important material for a movie.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blog Assignment #2 Editing Analysis

In this scene, the director uses montage editing which is a rapid succession of images that links different scenes, is the most dramatic form of parallel editing. This scene uses montage editing which inter-cut between Michael at his nephew’s baptism and his murders were murdering his enemies. Director used that kind of editing to show between the religion and non-religion that relates to the complicated of Michael’s character; which he is both evil and good. Also, the director uses the fixing camera to film this scene. Mostly, the camera just uses the close-ups for Michael. Every time the shots cut back from the murdering, the camera uses the close-ups to Michael for showing the facial expression of him. At the end of this scene, the priest passes the candle light in front of Michael's face. The candle light is the high key light for Michael. That candle light effect makes audiences to clearly see the cold expression of Michael. It is a powerful use of music, language, visuals, and editing that Michael emerges as a Godfather of an entirely different sort.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Oprn your Ears

Open Your Ear
            For real, New York City really offers a rich sound environment. However, I want to point out the one that you always can hear in 24 hours and 365 days in years. It definitely is the sound of subway. Wherever you go and stay, you can hear the sound of subway running. The sound of the subway seems like a rock band that playing the heavy metal music. It sounds so noisy with a drum, electric guitars, and a bass, peak voice to sing out. The texture of that sound can be so hard, no rhyme, and ever annoying. It seems like a hard ground that not a smooth for walk. There is no specific neighbor that it belongs to because it is everywhere. However, you can realize the day time or night time by the frequency of its sound even though you stay at home. For me, this sound can be unique for New York City because there is only a city in the world that the subway is running for 24 hours. The subway can be the special image for NYC. On the other hand, the sound of the subway can be parable as the unsleeping city in the world. To sum up, the sound of the subway can be an annoying sound for everyone because it always wakes people up during the lovely sleeping, however, it also can be a good sound for people that make people realizing the beginning of the day, and it might be a beautiful day.